
Final Draft

Drafting For Final Piece

Colour Choices

These are the colours that I decided to test with. I chose to stay with my original colour choice, because it best suited the style that I was going for.

Why I decided to change the name of my game

I have changed the name of my game from DeadSky to Cicada, because I have done some more research into inspirational game titles, and this one came up being an internet mystery, whereby only three people have ever uncovered this mystery and have refused to talk about it. I feel like it adds some more depth to my game case because the simplistic design that I have chosen goes well with the plot of this mystery.


Game Storyline Plot

DeadSky Plot

After a global war has broke out, Martial Law has come into effect in many different states. Unfortunately, the easy way for them to contain the problem, was to start the killing of many citizens. Luckily, not all of us ran away.

Before this hell-storm went down, I was a cop living a normal life. I received an anonymous early warning and then the power went out. The next thing I saw was the military butchering people in the streets.

My name is Matt Dean. I was fortunate enough to escape with my life. My family however, not so lucky.